Tim Boyd
International President of the Theosophical Society
Marja Artamaa
International Secretary of the Theosophical Society
Sara Ortega van Vloten
Team member of the World Congress, resident in Adyar
Nancy Secrest
International Secretary of TOS and International Treasurer of the TS
Catalina Isaza-Cantor
Team member of the World Congress, resident in Adyar
Shikhar Agnihotri
Convention Officer, National Lecturer and International Speaker
Robert Beland
Organizing Secretary of the TS in Canada
Jennifer Hay
Treasurer of CTA (Toronto)
Jeanne-Louise Beland
President of Lodge (administration of CTA)
Andrie Levey-Bates
President of Blavatsky lodge (Vancouver)
Donna Erickson
Vice President of Blavatsky lodge (Vancouver)
Martine Archambault
TOS Director of CTA